Sunday, October 23, 2011

Video: Buy Under the Mistletoe! (U.S. pre-order prices)

Here are some U.S. online store prices for Justin's Christmas album. Keep in mind that you'll have to pay shipping charges also, and taxes in some cases. standard CD $11.99 deluxe w/DVD $13.99

Best Buy standard CD $11.99

Best Buy deluxe w/DVD $16.99

CD Universe standard CD $13.29

CD Universe deluxe w/DVD $17.89 standard CD $10.99 deluxe w/DVD $14.99

Walmart standard CD 14.99

Walmart deluxe w/DVD 15.88

1 comment:

The Accrual Accountant said...

UM.... wal mart has pre order for $15.88 deluxe edition and standard is $11.88. so....... BEST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!