Friday, March 16, 2012

Pick a cover for Justins single 'Boyfriend'

Comment below which is your favorite :)
also you can vote at



Bieber's Girl ;) said...

#JBboyfriend1 <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG<3 hard choice... how about they put both together and make #JBboyfriend3 ??<3<3 ((:

Jess said...


Anonymous said...

he looks sooooo hoot omg<3 anyways #JBboyfriend1<3

Anonymous said...

jbboyfriend1 <3

BiebersLove said...

Can he get any fucking sexier? :o (;

Anonymous said...

Second oneee!!

Anonymous said...


katrina said...

The frist one!!!:D

i love jb (enara) said...

OMG...he lukx soooooo hot in both of them... <3... god ... i guess justin lux more sexier in da 1st one... :p

i love jb (enara) said...

y do u have 2 b so hot justin..... i love love love love u more than u can imagine bt da prob is u dnt even knw if i exist... hmmm da 1st 1.. plz